
I’m Leaving Today!

serve in a refugee camp, lesbos, greece, adventure, social service, raising funds

I’m leaving today!

First of all, thanks to all of you who have supported me during this time. I’ve raised all the funds I need to stay in Lesbos for the next two months! I’m getting ready to go serve in a refugee camp as I write. I wouldn’t have been able to get here without your help! Raising $4 thousand dollars in just one month was an enormous challenge, but it was amazing relying on God and waiting for him to do his thing. Now, I’m one day away from this life changing adventure.

This will be a trip of many firsts: it’s the first time I’m travelling alone for over a month and will be my first winter outside of Colombia… ok, it’ll be my first winter, period.

Something I keep on hearing is that the only thing that doesn’t change in this refugee camp is that everything is always changing. I have no idea what to expect from the next couple of months. I know they need a lot of help and work, but, at this moment, I’m not exactly sure what I’ll be doing. I don’t speak the local language, I don’t know where I’m going to stay and I haven’t met the people with whom I’ll be serving. There are so many things I won’t know until I set foot in the refugee camp. It’s pretty crazy… I love it!

Right now, I’m nervous, excited and open to anything that may happen and the people I’ll be running into. But I’m also very calm and full of a peace I hope I can share with all these people.

I’ll certainly be updating you on how all these “unknowns” unfold. So pray for me, wish me luck, send me good vibes, or whatever you want to call it. I appreciate you all! Merry Christmas and until next time!

Read my previous post!

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