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5 Things You Didn’t Know about Afghans

5 things you didn't know about Afghans, moria refugee camp, lesvos, greece, flag of afghanistan

Last winter, I had the opportunity of making many Afghan friends on a Greek island called Lesbos. When I first arrived at the refugee camp, it was embarrassing how little I knew about the Afghan community. I didn’t know anything about their customs, or even what language they spoke. It didn’t take me too long to find out how amazing, friendly, and welcoming they are. Surprisingly, they are similar to us Colombians in many ways. I want to honor my Afghan friends, and all the other Afghans that have had to leave their land involuntarily by sharing some of the things I learned about them during my time in Lesbos. It would be good for people to know a little more about them instead of the usual, incorrect stereotype.

Here are 5 things you didn’t know about Afghans:

1. Dari (Persian) and Pashto are the Official Languages of Afghanistan

When I encountered my first Afghan family in camp, I didn’t know what language they spoke. If you asked me then, I probably would have answered “I don’t know…Afghan? ” Many people would possibly answer the same thing. Both Dari and Pashto are the official languages of Afghanistan, but Dari is spoken more widely. Dari is the name of the Persian language in Afghanistan, but most people know it as Farsi (“Persian”).

Although the writing looks a little intimidating, learning Farsi is not that hard after all. The way it’s structured is pretty straight forward. By the end of my last trip, I was able to communicate pretty well with my broken Farsi. I would say the pronunciation is an interesting mix between Spanish and German.

2. Afghans are Incredibly Friendly and Welcoming

Pretty much everyone in camp refer to volunteers as “my friend,” and once they know our names, they always greet us by name whenever they see us.

For them, guests are a blessing. This means they are always ready to welcome people into their homes and share with them. Everyone in the house will make sure to make the guests feel at home. They will make the most of however much they have.

Even though the Afghans in at the refugee camp deserve a more appropriate space to live, and their current conditions are far from ideal, this doesn’t stop them from inviting people over to share a meal or a cup of tea.

Since food options are very limited in camp, they get very creative with their cooking, and it’s soooo good. Meals are an event, an experience, ideally where everyone eats from the same big dish in the middle. Thanks to them, I had the best omelet I have ever tried in my life! 

3. They Have a Different Calendar Than Ours

I spent new year’s in camp, and nobody in camp seemed to care much about the date. It was a regular day for everyone. I realized then that they had nothing to celebrate, since their new year is on a different date. So, when do they celebrate and what do they do?

Afghans take celebrations seriously, and they know how to have a good time. Their new year’s celebration lasts 3 days! Nowruz literally means “new day” in Persian and is the name of the Persian New Year. March 21 is the date that marks the beginning of a new year and the first day of spring. They start their celebrations around March 19 and feast with friends and relatives for 3 full days! Some even celebrate during the whole week. Later in the year, they have two even bigger celebrations where they get together with family, friends, colleagues, and share meals together. Children usually get money from all their relatives during these celebrations, so they also get their share.

Their week starts on Saturday شنبه (pronounced Shambe) and ends on Friday جمعه (pronounced Jom-a)

4. Afghan and Colombian Timing Works the Same Way

Let’s say you have an appointment with someone at 2:00pm:

If you arrive at 2:00pm you’re early.

If you arrive at 2:10pm you’re on time.

If you arrive at 2:30pm you’re a bit late.

If you arrive at 1:50pm you’re not from around there.

Being 15 minutes “late” is totally fine. So even though our calendars are different, our minutes are the same!

5. Afghans are High-Contact People

Like Colombians, Afghans come from a high-contact culture. This means that they keep a close interpersonal distance, make more eye contact, and tend to touch each other more often. They greet each other with a kiss on the cheek (or three) or with a big hug. It may surprise you that this only happens between men or between women. Normally, there is no physical contact between men and women, unless they are married or siblings.


  • Colombians (especially those from Bogota) and Afghans look alike.
  • They have a great sense of humor.
  • It’s normal for Afghans to have middle names.
  • Ali and Fatima are very common names because of their religious connotation – like Juan and María in Latin America.
  • Tea is always special, and they drink it all the time – after dinner, lunch, with guests, after working out…

I’m psyched to tell you that I’m going to work with these amazing people for three more months this fall! I’m heading to Greece tonight to work in the same camp as I did last time and I’m thrilled to reunite with some of my Afghan friends!

You can read a little about my last trip here!


No Place I’d Rather Be

no place i'd rather be, shocking, mitilini, greece, volunteer, volunteering, lesbos, lesvos

There really is no place I’d rather start this year in. My heart is so happy to be here. Yes, conditions are tough and precarious, but people here are really warm, welcoming, and thankful with what we do.

It’s been a week since I got here, and I’ve loved every second of it. I was exactly where I was supposed to be to receive the new year: sitting on a bench, making a new friend, guarding the gate of my so-far favorite section in camp, where the single girls are at. At 11pm my Somali friends came out to sing and dance to celebrate this new year. It was a beautiful scene. I was caught in between their excitement and the complaints of those who don’t celebrate new year’s that were trying to sleep. There were fireworks too.

It was shocking to know that some of the girls were shaken by that sound since it reminded them so much of the explosions they had escaped from. Most of my friends come from Afghanistan, and it has been really sweet to get to know their culture, language, and their stories. They are good Farsi teachers and some happen to love sports and outdoors as much as I do! Language hasn’t been the hardest part about being here, on the contrary, it’s the perfect excuse to make new friends.

So what is it that I do?

If you read the last post, you know that I had no idea what my job in camp was going to be. Now I understand why I hadn’t been told a straight answer. There are so many things to do in camp! In this week, I have cleaned and re-arranged rooms, I have taken shelters down, helped people move in and out, answered questions (which is hard when you have so many yourself and don’t know how it all works yet), solved problems, done censuses (censi?), guarded doors, gotten to know my friends, and learned some Farsi while I’m at it.

Working in housing is tiring but rewarding. It is always very gratifying to see their happy faces when you give them good news, show them the new place where they will live, or hand them a new blanket. It’s tough to give the bad news, but in most cases they learn to accept them and move on.

Volunteers have to wear bright orange vests in camp, and that makes it easy for everyone to identify us. A lot of them might not speak English, but they all surely know the words “hello” and “my friend.” Everywhere we go, people shout “Hello, my friend!” and we answer back. Hearing that always puts a smile on my face, and since it happens so often, I smile a lot! This is why I refer to people in camp as my friends.

There are many children too. They make my days! Whenever they see us volunteers, they run toward us and hug us, of course saying “Hello, my friend!” These people are precious, and even though they’re still going through hard times, I’m glad they’ve been able to overcome, and made it all the way here. Now we can love and serve them, and I just love to be a part of it.

You can read my last post by clicking here!


My Need to Help the Needy

need to help the needy, volunteering with refugees from the middle east, challenging, growth

My Need to Help the Needy

I love traveling; it’s one of my greatest passions. And so is serving and helping others. I have a need to help the needy. About six months ago I decided I would leave and focus on serving people in need. I came across a team that travels to volunteer with refugees from the Middle East every year. They just so happen to go around the time I want to leave. So it’s happening! I’m going to get out there and serve these refugees who need it so badly.

This refuge camp is in Lesbos, Greece. Right now there are about 8,000 refugees in the camp, which is only suited for 3,000 people. Their situation is precarious at best. There are also less volunteers in the winter, so there’s going to be a lot of work and not many hands.

You know, usually when you volunteer there’s a reward, like free lodging, free food, traveling; but that’s not the case here. Since resources are so scarce, I have to raise funds for all my expenses: from my airfare to my toilet paper. A lot of people have told me this doesn’t make sense. Spending my savings and asking friends and family for financial support to go suffer in a camp where life is extremely difficult is crazy.

So… why?

I precisely want to do this because of the fact that there are so many people going through rough times. I just can’t afford to sit around and not do anything for them. I need to get up and out of my comfort zone to accompany these people in their suffering and do my best to make their environment a little more humane.

During this time, my team and I will mainly serve at the camp by helping out with housing refugees and setting up tents for the new and most vulnerable. We will pretty much be doing everything we can to help.

I realize that this time volunteering won’t be all rainbows and butterflies. It’s going to be a challenging and humbling experience for me. I know it will give me and my team countless opportunities to grow; but most importantly, the refugees will receive the help they desperately need.

I still need to raise $2,615 USD to pay for my expenses. If you want to partner with me and join me in this mission, you can help by donating through this PayPal link:

If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail me at

Thanks for taking the time to read! I’ll be updating you on my need to help the needy every week!
