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Travel Guide

How to get to Puente Reyes

how to get to puente reyes, rock climbing in colombia, close to bogota, sandstone

Puente Reyes is in our favorite part of the department (or State) of Boyacá. It’s a place with an assortment of small to medium-sized towns, all with quaint plazas, in the midst of some towering mountains with lakes, lagoons and lots of frailejones. What most people don’t know is that in the midst of that natural beauty is a wonderful climbing area. It’s been well-developed, with more than 40 trad and sport climbing routes, and even has a guidebook! This is how to get to Puente Reyes.

If you’re looking for places to climb in Colombia, check out our list of the best areas here!

How to get to Puente Reyes

*Note: the map to get to Puente Reyes from Bogotá is at the end of this post!

In Public Transportation:
  1. Go to the Bogota’s Bus Terminal (called Terminal de Transporte) and take a bus to Sogamoso. This bus ticket will cost about $25,000 Colombian pesos.
  2. In the Sogamoso Bus Terminal, take a bus to Gámeza on a “Cootracero” bus. This ticket will cost about $2,500 pesos.
  3. Tell the bus driver you’ll be getting off at the first right turn after the bridge called Puente Reyes. Be looking for it yourself too in case the bus driver forgets. It’s a bridge with thick yellow rods.
  4. Take that first right turn after the bridge and walk until you see a sign welcoming climbers. Take that right turn and walk until you get to a wooden bridge. In front of the bridge is zone A, “Los Arenales,” which you can see on the guidebook. Enjoy the climbing!
In a Car:

With a GPS: enter “Gameza, Boyaca” into Google Maps or Waze and follow the directions. One you pass the “Puente Reyes” bridge, which is very close to Gameza, turn right until you see a sign welcoming climbers to the area.

Without a GPS:

  1. Exit Bogota heading North. Follow the signs towards Tunja, not the signs towards Chia or Zipaquira.
  2. Once you’re close to Tunja, stay on the main road that goes around the city, following signs to Sogamoso and Duitama.
  3. Go through the cities of Paipa and Duitama, always staying on the main road and following signs to Sogamoso.
  4. Shortly after you pass Duitama, take the second exit at the roundabout, headed towards Nobsa.
  5. Drive along the main road until you see a big sign that says Gameza. Right after the sign is a bridge with thick yellow steel rods. This bridge is the Puente Reyes. Immediately after the bridge, turn right.
  6. Drive along this new road until you see a sign welcoming climbers to the “Parque de Escalada Puente Reyes.” Take that right turn.
  7. Marvel at the imposing cliff-line and climbing potential as you drive all the way to the end, where you’ll find a wooden bridge to the right. Cross the bridge, and you’ve arrived at the climbing.

If you’re looking for other outdoor activities close to Bogota, check out this comprehensive list of places to visit and things to do!

What to do at Puente Reyes:


Climbing is pretty much all you can do at Puente Reyes. Of course, there’s stuff close by, but this cliff line is pretty much on its own, which is one of the reasons it’s so great. The cliff line extends for about 1.5 km (1 mile) and can reach heights of up to 150 meters (450 feet), all sandstone. As of the last time the guide was updated, there were over 40 sport, trad and mixed routes. Click here to see the PDF guidebook! There are great camping spots along the river.

Visit These Towns

If you’re looking for a rest day activity or want to get to know some more of Colombia, you’re in for a treat. The towns in this area are absolutely gorgeous. #1 on the list is Monguí, known as the most beautiful town in the State of Boyaca, especially at Christmas. Some other towns that are worth visiting are Gámeza, Sogamoso and Nobsa.

Go to the Laguna Negra (Black Lagoon)

On the other side of the mountains from Monguí is the Black Lagoon, a place that we dearly love. Camping at the lagoon itself is magical, and above it on both sides looms what is known as the world’s most beautiful páramo, the Oceta páramo. You can get there walking from Monguí or drive straight to the lagoon. If you decided to hike, you’ll need guides. Read about how to get to the Black Lagoon here!

Visit Lake Tota

Only about 45 minutes from Puente Reyes is Colombia’s largest lake, Lake Tota. It’s a great place for fishing, but the camping is what really takes first place because of the view you get of the cosmos at night. The word “Tota” means “Astronomic Observatory” in the native Chibcha language.

Some things to know:

  • This climbing area is in a gorgeous location valued for how pristine it is. Be conscious of your impact and clean up after yourself to keep this place open to climbers!
  • All the climbing is sport and trad.
  • Make sure you have cash, because most places around this area won’t accept debit/credit cards.
  • Be careful hiking around here because locals don’t like tourists walking on their land. Hiking rocks, though, so one way to deal with locals is to give them money or food if they confront you. Another is to hike with a local guide.
  • This area of Colombia produces 90% of Colombia’s onions.

Now that you learned how to get to Puente Reyes, go enjoy the place! This great climbing area is so worth it!

So you like the mountains, but how about a desert… in the mountains? Read about this desert close to Bogota that inspired Just North to begin!

Travel Guide

How to get to Mongui

how to get to mongui, what to do, laguna negra, black lagoon, oceta paramo, laguna negra, paramo de oceta, hiking

As it turns out, “the world’s most beautiful paramo” (an alpine ecosystem in the Andes) is right next to “Boyaca’s most beautiful town!” Really, the Oceta Paramo and Mongui are known for that, respectively. Just knowing that makes Mongui a place to go, especially in December when the streets light up with millions of Christmas lights. A random fact: 25% of Colombia’s supply of balls comes from Mongui. So if you need a ball and want to travel, Mongui is the perfect place. This is how to get to Mongui.

You might also like: how to get to Isla Fuerte.

How to get to Mongui

*The map to get to Mongui from Bogota is at the end of this post!

In a car

With a GPS (highly recommended): type in “Mongui, Boyaca” in Waze or Google Maps and follow the directions.

Without a GPS:

  1. Exit Bogota heading north. Stay on the main road, following the signs to Tunja or Sogamoso when the road may split.
  2. Right before Tunja, stay on your left. The road will split in two and the left-side road will take you to Sogamoso instead of straight into the heart of Tunja. There are signs, so be watching for them!
  3. Stay on this road, following signs to Sogamoso. You’ll go straight through Paipa. Stay on the main road.
  4. You will soon get to a round-about where a sign will indicate that you can go towards Tibabosa or Nobsa. Take the second exit, towards Nobsa, and stay on the main road.
  5. The exit to go up the mountain to Mongui will be on your right. The sign is right between the fork in the road, so be watching. It is right after a restaurant with blue windows.
  6. Drive up the windy road. From here on out I suggest you use the map below, because this could get confusing. When you get to the fork in the road with a virgin’s statue in the middle, go right and drive all the way to the Mongui’s main plaza.

On Public Transportation

  1. Go to Bogota’s Bus Terminal (search Terminal de Transporte on Google Maps or Waze) and take a bus from there to Sogamoso. It will cost about $25,000 Colombian pesos or $8.50 USD.
  2. Once you get to Sogamoso’s bus terminal, take a bus from there to Mongui.
  3. The bus drops you off at the main plaza.

What to do in Mongui:

Hike to the Laguna Negra (Black Lagoon) and the Ocetá Paramo:

As I said before, the Oceta Paramo is known as the world’s most beautiful paramo. Now, I haven’t been to all of the world’s paramos, but this one is the most beautiful I’ve seen. You can get there and to the Laguna Negra walking from Mongui or in a car, going around the mountain. We’ve camped 3 nights there and they have been some of the best camping nights in my life. You have to see this place, even if it’s on a day trip. We actually have an entire blog post dedicated to the lagoon. Click here to read how to get to the Laguna Negra!

Buy some balls:

Mongui makes 25% of Colombia’s balls and exports even more. At the main plaza, at least one in every four shops has balls hanging inside and outside the buildings. They’re really good, handmade, and the perfect souvenir with which to remember the town.

Go to Lake Tota:

Lake Tota is Colombia’s biggest lake, so it’s worth giving it a visit on your trip to or from Mongui. My recommendation is you go on the way to or back because it’s a good 50 km (30 miles) from Mongui and it can be a full-day activity. You can have a picnic, eat at a restaurant, walk around, fish, etc. You can also camp there, and let me tell you – the sunsets and sunrises at Lake Tota are dreamy! You have to take your camera.

Relax, walk around, be a tourist:

Other blogs will recommend you just sit back and relax in Mongui. And I would have to agree because it is so calm and quaint. What I disagree with is that there isn’t anything to do. Please, if there are mountains around you there’s lots to do! And relaxing and resting is so much more gratifying after an adventure.

Some things to know:

–          The drive to Mongui takes about 3.5 hours.

–          If you’re going to walk from Mongui to the Laguna Negra, I recommend you hire a guide because they know how to deal with locals who don’t like tourists.

–          Make sure you take cash to pay for the products and services you can’t pay with your card (most things).

–          Mongui’s famous balls are handmade.

–          Lake Tota is about 50 km, or 30 miles, from Mongui.

–          There are 3 tolls from Bogota to Mongui.


I hope this has helped you learn how to get to Mongui and that it motivates you to visit this lovely town!

If you’re interested in visiting a fun town close to Bogota, read this blog post on how to get to Suesca.
